
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Clean and Optimise the ElasticSearch Indexes of Logstash

ElasticSearch index files grow large quickly and one of the most common questions about them is how to optimise them and clean them, getting rid of old records you're not interested in any longer. A very easy way to accomplish these tasks is using the following two scripts:
The first optimises the indexes newer than the specified number of days, while the latter cleans the indexes older than the specified number of days. The complete synopsis of either command can be obtained using the -h option.

Installing the Dependencies

These scripts depend on the following components:
  • The Python runtime (at least version 2).
  • The pyes package.
The pyes package, in turn, can be installed using pip:

# pip install pyes

Beware that the ElasticSearch instance bundled by Logstash is not supported by the latest pyes release (0.90.x) which requires ElasticSearch 0.90. If you're using the ElasticSearch instance bundled in Logstash, you must install version 0.20.1:

# pip install pyes==0.20.1

Installation on FreeBSD

The FreeBSD ports collection ships all the required dependencies as binary packages. The Python runtime can be installed with the following command:

# pkg install python

pip can be installed using (assuming Python 2.7 has been installed, as in FreeBSD 9.2 and 10.0):

# pkg install py27-pip

Once pip is installed, it can be used to installed pyes in a platform-independent way as explained in the previous section.

Running the Scripts

The simplest way to run the scripts is:

  • Passing the --host option to specify the ElasticSearch server to connect to.
  • Passing the -d option to specify the desired number of days.

$ python /path/to/ \
  --host es-host \
  -d 30

Given the periodic nature of these tasks, I usually schedule them as cron jobs in a crontab file.

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